Sports Unit
As we know that College is situated in Khuldabad region which is hilly and rural area where students are coming from socio economically backward region. Institute established sports unit to the need and physical and mental fitness of the students.
For this purpose Institute provide various facility which is available to students’ i.e. well-equipped sports material, indoor and outdoor playing ground. Sports unit prepares and always encourages students to participate in various games/sports events and tournaments at District, State, National and International level.
During the Competitions College provides sports kit and other necessary sports equipment and training from expert and trained coaches. Sports facility like Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess, Carom, Shot Put, Yoga mats, outdoor sports like Volleyball, multi-purpose sports field available in the Institute. The medal winners and participants are awarded with certificates which is very useful for the students to get opportunities in central and State Government jobs.

Dr. Shaikh Afser Rasheed is the Director of Physical Education and In charge of the Sports Unit. He takes the initiatives and Dr. Syed Riyazuddin assisting him, that student should participate in various competitions. As a result many student from Institute participate in various sports events. The students also get selected in University, National and International Teams, as a result they achieved number of medals, participation certificates. Even NAAC Peer Team in their visit to college in 2014 for II Cycle Assessment and in 2022 for III Cycle Assessment commended Sports Unit in its Report and exit meeting the achievements of Sports activities carried out in the Institute.