The Department of Sociology was established in 1989.
Dr. Ramteke P.W is highly qualified (M.A, M.Phil. NET, Ph.D.) is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of the said subject and he joined the services as a lecturer in the year 1992, Dr. Mohammad Ali Mohd Azam (M.A, Ph.D.) has been appointed as a lecturer in 1996. Thus there are two faculties in the Department of Sociology.

The Department has completed 32 years. Nearly 3000 students have got the degree with Sociology, as one of their subject. Out of them many student are doing job in private companies around Aurangabad city. Some students are working as farmers in their land. Some are Social worker, some are doing B.Ed., and some are working as Journalists like this they are on the path of development. The average passing percentage of the students of Sociology ranges between 65% to 70%. The faculties always tried to upgrade their knowledge, so the Department of Sociology organizes social activities regularly to promote the knowledge of the students.
In the last five years the members of the Department have attended workshops, seminars, conferences, refresher and orientation courses for their personal development and improving their subject knowledge. As the part of university work the faculty members participate as an examiner, paper setters, moderator, invigilator, understudy etc.
Dr Ramtake appointed as a co-coordinator of Competitive Exam and Career Guidance Cell. He is also selected as a paper setter in M.P.S.C exams, as a Counselor of Y.C.M.O.U study center, Nasik, and as a Member of College IQAC. Dr. Mohammed Ali has worked as an understudy and N.S.S member in the college.
As per the time table of the University we take test and tutorial in the class. The faculty always ready to solve the problems of students in regluing to syllabus and examination. Different types of question banks are available in the department. The Department organizes various programmes for the students, these different type of programmes are useful for their career development.
- Next five years the Department of Sociology is planning to go to open Research project for students who are interesting in Research work.
- Our college management also planning to start P.G classes in said subject for hilly students.
- We will arrange Social research workshop for the students.
- A guest lectures will be arranged to enhance the knowledge of the students by fitment parous.
Present Members of the Department
Prof. Ramteke Purushottam Warlu
( Associate Professor and HOD)
Dr. Mohammad Ali Mohammad Azam
( Assistant Professor)