Principal's Message

Chishtiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce is an affiliated college of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad running under the aegis of Urdu Education Society with a proud history of more than three decades.

We offer courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce, and Natural and Life Sciences. Situated at heavenly city of Khuldabad, about 22 kilometers from Aurangabad remains the first choice for students looking for high standards of learning in different disciplines. Our NAAC accreditation (B+) recognises the excellence we have continued to maintain.

I am greatly rejoiced and proudly place on record the fact that Chishiya College, the visionary dream of its founder Chairman Hon’ble Abdul Azeem a humble servant of education whose mission has unfolded into an institution of glorious past and great future.

In order to accomplish our vision and mission, we are prepared to take as much effort as possible for the betterment of academic scenario of the Rural India. We believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation. We get encouragement, looking at bright and successful careers of our thousands of students, which subsequently benefit the society. We feel proud that we are part of such an excellent institute, which is shaping modern India.

 A dedicated and highly qualified faculty ensures a classroom experience that encourages research and critical thinking. I am also deeply proud of the strong values that our students imbibe from our vision of excellence, a vision recorded through core qualities of compassion and sensitivity.

Our college cares for the individual development of each and every student. We follow “Mentor – Mentee system” under which each class is put into the multi-pronged network of a teacher. We accord prime importance to the behavioral discipline, moral integrity and cognitive developments of our students. Departments of Culture, NSS, Physical Education, Career Guidance Cell, Red Ribbon Club and Internal Complaint Committee (Vishaka) with requisite infrastructure offer integrated services for the multi-facetted developments of our students. Our teachers strive to teach not only academic programmes but also life skills needed for students’ self-development with highly resourceful faculty.

At Chishtiya College we value academic integrity with responsibility and aim to create open and transparent systems that we deliver through administratively as well. In all this we train our students to also remain sensitive to social responsibilities and ethical choices, so that they respond to those around them with care and kindness. This we know is possible only through a collaborative, shared, and consultative work environment that we help foster through our teaching-learning in the classroom, in the sports field and in our co-circular spaces. Building on the strong foundational values of the college, I Welcome our new batches of students to come and share our vision of excellence forged through the values of determination and compassion. 

I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and its visible qualities, aims and objectives.

With best wishes

Dr. Syed Asif Zakriya  

M.A., NET,  Ph.D. (Urdu)
