About Urdu Education Society Aurangabad

Urdu Education Society was established in 1973 by Hon’able Abdul Azeem, then Minister of Government of Maharashtra, with a view to providing education facilities to the downtrodden and minority girls and boys Society is committed to provide education to the girl child of the minority section with better facilities. The mission was carried out successfully by the late Dr. M. A. Aziz, MLC, and former chairman until 2009. Now the future of Urdu Education Society lies in the able hands of foresighted Chirman Mr. Mohd. Ayyub Under his and Mr. Abdul Waheed’s (General Secretary) able guidance, the society is leading towards great heights with a list of junior colleges, schools, and one senior college under its aegis.

Founder of Society & College
“It is my firm determination to take education to the door of every slum dwelling boy and girl.”
Hon’ble Late Abdul Azeem, Founder Chairman,

Former Chairman
“A dynamic person and a many faceted jewel.”
Hon’ble Late Dr. M.A. AzizFormer Chairman

A dynamic Enthusiastic and Foresighted Person…”
“Our aim is not only to impart education to the generation living in the backward areas but to build their character as well.”
Hon’ble Mohd. Ayyub
Existing Chairman 2009 onwards
Chishtiya College of Arts & Science, Khuldabad working under the aegis of Urdu Education Society, Aurangabad.
Chishtiya College of Arts,Science & Commerce, Khuldabad working under the aegis of Urdu Education Soceity, Aurangabad. Which runs almost 30 primary schools, high schools, Jr. colleges, Jr. education colleges, technical and computer institutes and a senior college. Our Founder Chairman Honorable Late Mr. Abdul Azeem Ex-Minister Govt. of Maharashtra started Chishtiya College in Khuldabad in the year 1939 with a vision to provide higher education to rural and hilly youths especially minority girls.

The college journeyed w.e.f. 1989 to success providing education and community services to the surrounding area. After the sad demise of Hon’ble Mr. Abdul Azeem in 2002. Late Dr. M. A. Aziz continued the mission of Urdu Education society with utmost efficiency. He was MLC of Govt. of Maharashtra and a medical doctor by profession. Under his able guidance College followed the tradition of providing quality education with dedication against all odds. College underwent NAAC Assessment in twice Reaccredited by NAAC with ‘B’ grade in Feb. 2014.
Unfortunately we lost our inspiring force Dr. M. A. Aziz on 8th May 2009. Now Society is working under the able guidance of Shaikh Mohd. Ayyub.
Under the able guidance of Ho’ble Mr. Ayyub Shaikh and with the Inspiration of General Secretary Hon’ble Mr. Abdul Waheed, the Institute is Marching towards new horizons of Success.