Computer Lab
Computers have become the life line of young generation. The present generation students like to embrace all the things in the ambit of Computer technology. Chishtiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Khuldabad has One Computer Lab. Computers are connected through proper networking. The spacious Computer Laboratory of Chishtiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Khuldabad is equipped with 30 computers with latest configuration which is the need of an hour.
Computer Laboratory has dedicated high speed Fibre Internet Line for the ease of students to search and browse latest technology related information. This high speed line is also beneficial for the Research Scholars to continue their research work and achieved their ambition.

All the software is available for the students as prescribed in the syllabus by the Dr. B.A.M. University, Aurangabad. Students were allotted in the lab as 1:1 (student: computer) ratio. Students were allowed to perform their work under the supervision of the staff members and technical Lab Assistant and instruction were given to the students using power point presentation, Word documents or Web pages and using hyperlinks for better concept clarity.
Multi-media and high speed Internet facilities, projectors were also available in the Computer Laboratory to encourage the students to surf web pages and gather relevant detailed information through web pages.
Code of Conduct was displayed in the computer laboratory for the students to maintain discipline and etiquettes during their respective practical sessions.